Wednesday, August 22, 2012


So simple yet so divine!  :) 

All you need to do is chop up the banana and dollop each one with raw almond butter and raw pollen honey; a pinch of cinnamon is excellent!!  A raisin on top is another idea; be creative :)

Kids love little shaped fun food things !! 


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Peace & Love  :)


STINGING NETTLES in my very own Back Yard!!

Woohoo they tasted great!!  We blended them with apple juice to make a smoothie but strained with a nutmilk bag first. They assisted my body in the detox process and oi! not fun.. but that's the road I want to be on. Detoxification here we go! :D 


For more information on Detoxification check out this YouTube channel:
Dr. Robert Morse N.D.


We found some more nettles!!  Thank you universe :)

There is a very small patch of nettles in our backyard, which after topping, need time to regrow. So instead of doing without we have been delivered a new patch! This new patch was found on a local walking trail/park area.  And from what we could see, they're everywhere!!


People walk right past them everyday on the trail, and from what we could see, no one had taken even one!  It's crazy to think they eat their poor diet and then come out to walk for exercise, to lose weight, and get healthy; all the while right there in front of them are these perfect plants that provide sooo much!!  It amazes me; completely unaware!! As was I not too long ago.

The earth provides!  Take advantage man!  LOL!!

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Peace & Love  :)

Green Juice Smoothie

No Juicer !?
Blend it! Make it a Smoothie instead! 

Without a juicer or a vita-mix, it's hard to get good fresh juice. We have a very old blender, but we've adapted!! Hopefully we'll get our new juicer soon!! There's no excuse - just eat your fruit!

Check out this video for a simple Smoothie even kids love! 

To get Spinach in our 3 year old we simply mix it with Organic Apple Juice (no sugar or water added), and a bit of distilled water to tame the flavour for kids.  It works!  She drinks it all up.

We tried carrots... it didn't work (too much pulp); need a juicer for that!  But other whole fruits work great! (berries, oranges, apples, bananas, melon, etc) Add frozen fruit to make it more like a slushie! :) Enjoy!

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Peace & Love  :)

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Well!!  Things are changing fast in our household for sure!  It's been only a few months (April 2010) and we're going raw!  We had our first stinging nettle smoothie a few days ago and it was very yummy!!! (used apple juice, spinach, nettles, and a bit of water).  It started our bodies on a little detox!

We've only had a little bit of cooked foods the last few weeks, and after cooking up some beans that have been in the cupboard (that no one wanted to eat lol), we got sick!!  We'd had barely any cooked food in weeks and it hit hard. I threw up and hubby had bowel issues; thankfully our little one (the healthiest person in our family) didn't get sick.  :)  Then to top it all off, I ate too many nuts watching a movie (wasn't paying attention to my food!!!! tsk tsk), my gallbladder didn't let me forget and I was in pain all day :(  Never again!  Watch your fat intake!

Your fat intake should be lower than your veg/leaf & fruit/berry intake. 
Eat MOSTLY fruits, melons, and berries. 
Eat healthy fats (avocado, coconut, nuts & seeds, etc). 
Avoid heated fats and anything hydrogenated! 
Eat MOSTLY raw foods.

So I'm feeling better, I actually took this video yesterday (APRIL 2010), I'm almost back to "normal" whatever that is LOL!  I'm watching what I eat more carefully while I detox! We've decided to do away - all together - with cooked food!!! At least for now (an unknown amount of time) - in order to detoxify our bodies. 

YES!! That's right!  We're going raw!!  :)

Aside from needing a juicer; still, and now we've added a dehydrator to that list.  Also, we made some Rejuvelac and that was another thing that boosted the detox.  Fun fun lol!

Now we need a colonic!!  I'd say that's a must when you finally go raw (my opinion is what's the point if you're still eating, what I call "crap") LOL!  So I've looked into it and there's a place not to far from here woohoo!!  Just gotta save up $60 first.

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Peace & Love  :)

Transitional Tips ~ Vegetarian Vegan

plus a Cookie Recipe!! (see below)

The only way to change your diet drastically, without causing a major upheaval in your life, is to take things one step at a time.

Get used to the idea of change. 
Accept that you will no longer be eating certain foods.  
Be excited about the opportunity to try new foods!

I noticed that some new products I tried for the first time, were not very palatable but after trying a few different recipes and spicing things up a bit (eg. garlic, onion, cayenne, salt)... than you can really make it taste good!  

The hardest part, for people that don't do much food prep themselves, will be in the fact that you'll have to start.  Making it yourself is fun!  Not to mention that you'll actually know what's in it!! 

It's my goal to go RAW, so food prep won't really be all that difficult once we get there.  Though I do very much enjoy cooking, so we're likely to do some "gourmet raw recipes" for a while. 

So start off by eliminating something, preferably a meat or dairy product, and then add something new (preferably fruits or veggies)!!  Continue to do this until you've got most of the harmful foods out of your diet for good. Getting to that point took me a year of "getting used to the idea of change".. once I was open to change, it really happened very fast!!  Within a few months.  

The things that opened me to change the most, with regards to eliminating foods, was watching movies, videos and blogs, etc. where I was informed about the dangers and horrors of producing and consuming these foods.  Knowing that they were actually harmful, and harming... that's when I think it clicked. Then I was really ready to give them up.  

All I know is what I've learned.  ~  All I can share with you, is what I know.  
I hope it's somewhat helpful.  :)

MyHealthierMe Recipe:

3/4 cup Nut or Seed Butter (eg. macadamia, cashew, tahini, sunflower)
1/4 cup Coconut Oil (or EV Olive Oil)
1/4 cup Blackstrap Molasses
1 1/4 cup Cane Sugar (or other sweetener)
1 Banana; mashed
4 Tbsp Apple sauce
1/2 tsp Vanilla bean
4 to 6 Tbsp Cacao Powder
1 tsp Cinnamon
1/4 tsp Nutmeg
1/4 tsp Cloves
1 tsp Baking Soda
Sea Salt, a dash
1 cup Gluten-Free Flour 
2 1/2 cups GMO free Oats 
Optional:  Raisins, or Chocolate pieces (dairy-free)

Directions: Using an electric mixer, blend Butter, Oil, Molasses, and Sugar; until well combined.  Add Banana, Apple sauce, and Vanilla; blend.  Add Cacao powder, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Cloves, Baking soda, and Salt; blend. Add Flour, blend.  Ensure all ingredients are blended together, scrape sides of bowl.  Stir in Oats; and optional ingredients.

Cookies always turn out better when you chill the dough for an hour.
Spoon onto cookie sheet. Yields about 3 dozen.
Bake 325º - 350ºC for 8 for chewy and 10 mins for firmer cookies. 

* NOTE: Do not over bake unless you like hard cookies.  Under baking produces chewy cookies.*

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Peace & Love  :)

Friday, July 20, 2012



When we make excuses for ourselves, we're failing but not learning a lesson from it.  Failure is normal, how you deal with it is where the difference lies.  Guilt is not healthy.

Instead of making excuses we should accept our failures as learning experiences; taking something from them.  Leaving it on a positive note helps you to not "feel bad" about something you can't avoid.

Don't set yourself up for failure either!  Know your weaknesses and improve on them so that they become the person you were; not the person you are.

Diets don't work!
Healthy lifestyles work.

That's why we always fail at fad diets; they come and go.  Instead of not letting yourself eat something because someone told you it's bad for you, find out WHY it's bad for you; so that you can not eat it with a purpose.

Blank reasoning will lead you to failure; if you have no real reason not to eat something, you'll eat it anyway.  There are always other options, but you have to find them.

Eating meat, for example, isn't necessary.  But just because you don't know any alternatives doesn't make it ok to keep eating it.  Find out, learn!

I watched a movie called "Food INC"... it shows you what the animals go through; another reason eating meat from mono-farms is bad (pollution is another).

Will power isn't something you get nor something you have.  It's a belief or disbelief in something, which causes you to cast something off, or stand up for it.  Will takes place when you have faith in something.

Great song:  Right Where I Belong
so beautiful :)

So if your food vice is sugar - cast it off; by knowing why it's bad for you. Then you won't want to eat it, knowing the true meaning behind why it's bad for you in the first place.  Not just something unknown that you attempt to struggle with. Try healthier alternatives to sugar (like cane sugar, date sugar, or the stevia plant). Get what you want - enjoy your will - while making better choices; healthy choices.

Make your dreams an intention.  "I will do it."  Believe it will happen.  

WILL it into being!

Check out The Life Regenerator (aka: DTM) for some totally awesome motivation, information, and recipes.

Dan the Man is my new favorite youtube channel :)
He has his own website as well where you can buy his awesome DVDs :)

Check us out on Facebook & YouTube!
Peace & Love  :)

Thursday, July 19, 2012



It really is up to you - your health - only you have the power to change your health.
No one can force you to take pills, no one can force you to eat certain foods.
It's all up to you.

Your Health Is In Your Hands!  Don't drop it!

Take it seriously.  It must last you a lifetime!
Your body is not a pair of shoes you can toss out if worn.

I think it's imperative that each individual know about their body, how it works, and how it reacts. When you ask questions about your body, you find answers, imagine that!  ;)

Don't depend on someone else to care... only you can care enough to make the difference.  Medical doctors are only interested in treating symptoms. They put a band-aid on illness, rather than discovering the source, and remedying it.

Food can heal - your body can heal.
When healthy, your body can heal itself.
It is amazing!  Give it a chance :)


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Peace & Love  :)