Sunday, July 15, 2012

Diets Don't Work ~ Alkalinity Works

What is "healthy" ???  How do you know? 
The only way to know anything is to learn it! 

From birth and into my teens I thought I knew what healthy was; which was only what I was told.  At the time, I didn't think I'd ever be "overweight" and never could have predicted my future.  At age 17 I was about 5'10" and weighed around 175lbs (looked and felt "healthy").  

Come my early 20's I was gaining weight.  Mostly due to poor eating habits and lack of exercise.  Eating out and ordering in was wreaking havoc on my body.  I figured if I ate right sometimes that the times I ate "junk food" wouldn't make that big of a difference.  I was wrong!

EVERYTHING you put in your body matters!  

I hit 200lbs in my mid 20's and was going through some major life changes; and gaining more and more weight.  I was eating "healthy" sometimes, but I was also eating poorly most of the time.

The next 10 years of my life were spent dieting.  I followed a list of diets in my pursuit to be "healthier" only to find out that diets just make the whole situation worse.  I gained.  I lost.  I plateaued.  I gained.  I hit my heaviest: 280lbs! It was a roller coaster of uncertainty!

Then more life changes and the drama that this world creates rocked my boat.  I plummeted and for a short time I accepted my "fatness" and began a phase of accepting myself the way I was, and at the time thought, the way I'd always be.  That's about the time I met a new friend (which I didn't know, would be my life partner one day).  :)

He changed my life, I changed his; we made sense.  I was happy and not about my weight.  Accepting of me the way I was, my husband encouraged whatever I chose to strive for.  I think this was right around the time I ended my "fat acceptance period."

I was going to be turning 30 and I was looking back at 10 years of weight and health issues that were not resolving but only building up.  What to do?  I had no idea!  But I planned on figuring it out!

I started eating "better" and yet I was still not truly healthy in my choices.  It began with portion control.  Then with the food choices I made; which I thought were, good at the time, but still not what I'd call healthy today.  Simply an improvement!  Which is how it works for some of us.  We take steps until we reach a stage of enlightenment.

Then we decided to try for a baby and my idea of healthy changed yet again as I learned about how my body works and pregnancy topics arose.  It wasn't about me anymore.  I started taking a folic acid supplement and cut out a lot of "junk food"... again looking back I didn't do the right thing... but it was simply "better".  But that's better than no change at all!

Once we conceived my diet changed even more!  And not long into the pregnancy I started having health problems (gallbladder was the first problem to arise). So on and so forth life went on and I learned more and more about health.  We'll get into all this in the videos I'm sure (just wanted to provide a bit of background).

My healthier me wanted to know how to be even more healthier!  So I get online and I read, and I read, and I read and read.  I watch other people talk about their issues, struggles, and what did and didn't work for them.

You start cooking more, you find great sources for recipes.  You ask yourself:  "Am I doing the right thing?" I'm not there yet. But I'm moving in the right direction :)

There's a lot of good books, about health and wellness, etc.  Read them!  Read and read.  Never stop learning, and always be planning your next step.  Never stop.  Never give up.  Keep moving :)

How I started was that I eliminated most packaged foods and began cooking a lot.  When our daughter was about 1 I cut out red meat and a few foods I was finding were not good for me (eg. I cut out cheddar cheese and stuck to mozzarella and goat), etc.  Small steps towards where I am today.

Then I cut out meat all together.  Then I cut out dairy all together. I'm now 100% vegetarian, and about 80-90% vegan.  I'm still learning about what products to avoid etc.

One day I hope to go raw!!  Step by step :) 
My biggest goal today is to start juicing!!!
We need a juicer!!  We'd love the new Samson!!

I hope someone out there that is struggling the way I have for so long, can take something I say, to help them to achieve health without it taking a life time as it has taken me.

I'm losing weight and feeling healthier every day :)  I want to thank all the YouTubers out there that helped me get to where I am today.  Bless you :)  For the light you shine in the darkness that is this confusing world.

And to those of you that are unhealthy... You can do it too!!!  Believe.


The first step is any step in the right direction!

Check us out on Facebook & YouTube!
Peace & Love  :)

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